Special mirror – clairvoyant will show us how we would look after few years, according to our way of living. The magic invention is created by a group of French scientists. The acting of the mirror is realized by a video camera, powerful computer and LCD monitor.
When you look at the mirror, first you will see your real reflection. In this time a wireless camera takes a picture of you and sends the information on the computer, which processes the picture and the monitor shows another image - how you will look after 5 years.
The catch is that the camera on the mirror is not the only one. In the whole place are placed hidden mini cameras, which are spying the way of you life – how long you are lounging in bed, what and how much you are eating and how many cups with alcohol you are drinking etc.
Special software processes all data and calculates how you will look after five years. Specialists are thinking that when through their invention a person see how he will change after years, he will think about it and start to live healthier.
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