Thursday, September 17, 2009

Supercomputer from game consoles

Astrophysics from the University of Massachusetts built supercomputer from 16 game consoles PlayStation 3.

Sony's devices are connected via Ethernet adapters, and the whole system works under Linux. Professor Gaurav Hannah uses the supercomputer for testing the activity of the black holes. With its calculations invention, the scientist describe the properties of the gravitational field, that occurs with a collision of black holes. PS3 consoles use processors Cell.

Except for video games, these chips are used for processing streaming video with high resolution, in cluster calculations and in supercomputers.

Connecting of 16 PS3 consoles in one system provides a power as a PC with four hundred processor.

At the end of last year the Japanese company gave the professor from the University of Massachusetts eight of its entertainment devices, with which Hannah started the study of black holes

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