Thursday, September 17, 2009

Scientists have created a female robot patient

Scientists from the Institute of Medicine of the University of Gifu city (Japan) have created the first robot patient to answer questions on how she feels and moves her body so that stress symptoms of her illness.

The purpose of the invention is to give the medical students experience "from first hand" with rare illness states. When the robot "suffers" from myasthenia gravis – nerve-muscle disease which is difficult to diagnose, leading to muscle weakness and fatigue - she says to the doctor that her eyelids are weigh and change the utterance of her face, slowly leave her shoulders and crouch forward.

For the creators of development has been difficult to make the shoulder joints and a shovels of the robot to move as a human, said Yudzo Takahashi. He says that in the future the scientists want to put in the female robot more illness symptoms and to create realistic training manual.

Given that medical students and the trainee-doctors are quick pass training in various specialties, universal robot-patient may show a wider range of conditions and diseases, rather than offer a small hospital for a month.

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