Thursday, September 17, 2009

Motorola have been patented a solar battery for GSM

The Giant Motorola have been patented technology that will make possible overcharging the battery of mobile phone by solar cells placed in the LCD screen.

The idea is not new, but in its patent the company claims that is solved the problem of absorption of sufficient light from the cells so the battery can load.

If Motorola successfully run a similar product on the market, then will have no need for recharging the battery of the cell phone through a separate transformer, which plugs into electrical outlets. The phone will always be loaded.

The company believes that the solar cells in the LCD screen of the phone will be able to use over 75 percent of the coming to them light through holestical crystals and polymers.
Will be fall away the use of the metallic reflector, used in the LCD’s for lighting the screen. The reflector reduces the amount light that reaches the solar cells to less than 6 percent, and this is insufficient for recharging the battery.
While technology related to this problem have been patented before, the invention of Motorola is better from commercial point of view.
At present, solar cells are used to power very low energy devices, such as calculators.

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